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- CB (freezymenthol)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

GE X5 Camera Review and Sample Shots

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After using Canon 1000d for almost a year, I finally decided that I really do not need an SLR especially when I travel. The reason is that when I travel I end up wasting 1 hand carry luggage just for bringing the SLR gear in a bag. After a couple of contemplations, I decided to switch over to a bridge camera. The next problem is, what bridge camera to decide. There are tons of bridge cameras out there, with besting features such a telephoto zoom lenses etc. But what's striking is also their tag prices. A bridge camera like Fuji HS10 or Lumix LX3 would range mid Php25,000 - and that's already bordering a the entry level SLR.

And then I saw one the shelf of a store a nice looking thing called GE x5 Bridge Camera. Although unfamiliar brand, I do know GE makes durable refs so most probably they also build durable Bridge Cameras. Another striking feature is that the body looks like a small SLR. For those advanced users, it also has that Manual Mode which I do need when I travel. And the best part is its price, and almost half of it competitors and offers much more!

The package that I bought includes a strap, batteriers and a charger, 4Gig memory card and a Motorola Rokr Phone (not sure why they included it there).

Of course I have to test it immediately. Surprisingly its shutter speed (manual) ranges from 30 seconds to 1/2000 second - even better than Powershot G10 with the slowest shutter speed of 15 seconds. What does that mean? Well, you can just take fantastic night shots, which I will try to post later.

Below are sample of night shots taken from MOA

Overall, I would recommend this for hobbyist in photography, that does have a hard time carrying a couple of lenses and then carrying a bag. The GE X5 does well as a bridge camera that does act out basic SLR features.

Here are some down-sized photos highlighting the focusing capability of GE X5.


  1. Hi, I also wanted to buy the X5 and been google'ing about it for reviews and by far yours is the best. I just want to ask where you bought your x5 and for how much? Thanks. -Jason Gonzales. comlink_jayce@yahoo.com.

  2. Hi Jason,

    Thanks for the feedback. Before I bought GE X5, there were no reviews at all, even good sample photos. So I took the risk and bought one. Now I am saying goodbye to my Canon 1000d.

    The first thing I did was do night shots, because, I think, that tells everything in the camera. It's control of noise, how it would retain its sharpness and light control.

    GE, having a dslr type manual mode, was able to give that almost similar DSLR effect.

    I did buy the camera at SM Appliance for 11995 with free Motorola Phone and rechargable batteries.

    But you can buy it at 10495 at Wellcom. Even cheaper probably at Hidalgo.

    I am happy with GEx5, a good companion on your trips.

  3. hey there, great review! just wondering: at what mode did you put the camera to make these night pictures? cause they are awsome! i have the X5 for a few days now and i've been practicing and playing around with it, but i still find the pictures in auto-mode betterlooking than the pictures in nightscene-mode.

  4. @Kris, thanks for the feedback.

    Regarding your question on the night shots with the fountain, I took them using Manual Mode. I guess that's the reason why I bought the camera since I had an slr before, and the range of setting on the manual mode is pretty much the same with an entry level Canon 1000d. Under manual mode, I adjusted the Shutter speed setting to 10 seconds and Aperture to 7.0 with an ISO of 800.

  5. Hi. Like Jason, I also am considering taking this camera home. But never found much infos about it. I was having doubts in purchasing it because I've read a review saying its better to purchase Canon Exilim than this one. Price difference is quite big. About 10k more than what this camera costs. So tried to search for good reviews further and found your blog. If you could say it's decent enough for unprofessional photographers like me, that would give me crisp clear images than other digital cameras, and could function just as basic dslr can, then I might be having this one. Thanks for this blog.

  6. Hey, I tried your tips to take nightshots, this is the second picture i made from my bedroom window: http://yfrog.com/mxnightj. I'm going to buy a tripod soon (now i'm using books, lol). Too bad i didn't read your tips earlier, i went to Paris last week and I missed a lot of nice picture because I didn't know how to make night pictures. :(
    Anyway, thanks again!!

  7. motorola rokr fone included..?!
    is this for real..?

  8. Maybe in the US there is, but in Europe no phone is included. :-)

  9. Hi.. i just bought a GE x5 yesterday and honestly im having a hard time getting a good picture in manual mode.. most probably becasue this is my first camera.. can you give me an advice how to get a good focusing in my target.. id like to add a blurred effect at the background and just have a clear shot with my target. just like what you did on the cow.. pelase help me.. tahnks in advance..

  10. Excellent read. I like your style...have a good one!/Nice blog! Keep it up!

    Buy Cameras

  11. what settings are you using? I want mine to focus one thing only, like your last picture (the cow thing). I want that kind of blurred background. :)

  12. i was having second thought if i am going to buy ge x5 or any canon camera... well with your sample pics, i now wanted to buy ge x5 =)

  13. hi i just bought the ge x5...coz my cam starts to fail me...sadly i had no prior info about the cam..i just saw it in a store shelf and tried it...it was really nice...im just a newbie in photography...but i am satisfied with the x5 not to mention its low price...btw it now only cost 9995PHP...complete with the batteries charger straps and SD card(4gb)...i also found a store that throws in that motorolla phone w/ the price tag of 11k+...but i dont need the phone so the 9995php is a better deal for me...nice blog here thanks for your photography tips...

  14. nice blog ;)

    Do you recommend this cam for newbies like me?

  15. @smokingBangus

    Yes, this gives you that SLR feel without the confusing buttons. There's manual exposure so you get that SLR function. From there you'll learn.

    Thanks for liking my blog as well.

  16. price update. X5 is now just 9445. just got one yesterday and im reading articles online about ISO, shutter speed, etc.

    I really wanna learn.

    Do you know any website where I can learn this information?

  17. After reading your entry, I now have no doubts about this cam. This will surely be my Christmas gift. Will be following your blog from now on. Please do post tips on how to use these kind of camera for advanced setting. I just like taking pictures but not a pro. You really helped me a lot. Thanks again! ^_^

  18. hi! woah, nice shots. I actually bought the same camera recently and I really don't know how to get forgivable shots. I want to learn how you did your 2nd and last photos (the one with the clock and cow) and I hope you'll be able to give some tips on using the cam also 'cause I'm quite a beginner. ^^ Thanks for the help!

  19. hey! thanks for the review and the photos. been browsing the net for that. thanks. thanks. hopefully, i'll be able to have that GE x5.. soon.

  20. Hi. just a quick question. :)
    what mode did you used on the clock and cow?
    i want my camera to focus only on one thing.
    Thankyooouu for you blog! =)

  21. Looks like a lot is interesting how to take the photo like the one with the clock and the cow. For beginners, you can do this on auto mode, just set to auto focus mode. There's a button that stands for a small flower in one of the navi buttons (that represents macro mode) and then turn it on. For the focus, go to the menu and select single-focus so when on auto mode it will only focus on one item.
    For advanced users, you can do the same (macro) but you have the freedom to adjust your exposure.

  22. hi im actually considering this cam. now im more convinced . this is the cam that will best fit my lifestyle...not so heavy.. not so expensive for me to be over protective... at the same time allows me to capture shots,better and quality distant shots for its low price tnx
    pls keep posting and ill just check often.. tnx for the help.. it served its purpose

  23. i´m very surprised with that camera. I bougth it this week n it´s amazing! i recommend that camera for sure! it´s easy, cheap n worth each cent!

  24. hi... just wanna ask how is the camera shots in low light environment?

    and one thing more... how is the picture in terms of pixels when taken from afar using the zoom?

    i hope somebody can post sample pictures for enlightenment.. tnx much

  25. @michael

    For low light, you can go on auto mode and use flash to illuminate the subject. But if you really want to have more control over your photo, then manual mode is the option to go. Just adjust the shutter speed and aperture settings. Should the shutter speed go beyond a second, you need to use a tripod or else your photos would be blurred.

  26. Hi CB,

    Question for this GE X5...
    Under Manual Mode, what's the best setting for the aperture, shutter speed and ISO in taking photos outdoors/under broad daylight?


  27. Just got this camera last week. I read countless reviews saying it took blurry pictures. So far i've had great results. It's not like my Nikon D3000, but clearly for the price I wasn't expecting it.

    I took it to a bunch of parties and people loved being in front of the camera. Shots came out crystal clear on auto mode.

  28. thank you so much for this review. i've read, and read, and read.. about the x5, but couldn't find a decent gallery of sample pictures anywhere. you've made up my mind, i'm buying it =)

  29. @troy, best way for outdoor shots is just go on auto mode. But if you want more control, go on the highest aperture which will make your subjects more detailed and sharp and then control your shutter speed in such a way that the exposure is always balanced to zero.

    Hope that helps.

  30. hi i'm also using x5. what's your setting for the clock & cow pic if manual?? very nice shots

  31. Can you take bokeh with it?

  32. @gob - set it on manual mode, with the lowest aperture (3.1 it think) and then let the shutter speed adjust so that the exposure would be balanced to zero.

    And of course, set it on macro mode.

    yes it can. Same settings as stated on my reply with gob. :)

  33. Hi, some great tips here.

    Just wondering: what settings would you recommend for taking photos at a party in the evening or in a club with very limited lighting?

    Tried playing around with settings, but pictures still look either overexposed or on the contrary somewhat foggy!

    Thanks in advance

  34. @Anastasia - best to just set it on auto mode with flash on. Evening parties and clubs tend to be of low-light with some laser glares and pulsating lights - so just put the flash on.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. why is it everytime i took photos and going to view my picture i took there is something wrong. it says that unable to recognize file

  37. @gmarvi

    It is best to swap with a better memory card. If you still are having issues, better bring it for check-up because that is not a memory card issue.


  39. How do professional photographers make those stunning candid portraits, where the subject is in perfect focus but the background is a blur? by x5

  40. Thank you for your review! Nagdadalawang-isip ako dati kung bibili ako nito. Ngayon, ito na lang bibilhin ko affordable pa. :)

  41. @badit - That is a challenge as well. What I did and most of the time it works as that when on zoomed, I play around with the multi focus or single focus. And see if I can make it sharper

  42. @Maduka-You can set on one of the smart modes (portrait) so the camera will do the auto setting for you when taking pictures of portraits. But if you want to take more control you can use the manual mode by adjusting the speed and aperture.

  43. Thanks for the blog.It's really a big help for me. Because of your blog.I decided to buy as my birthday gift to my wife.But I'm surprised today when I'm about to purchase because there is a new bridge cam and I think this is the latest the Ge X500.The Difference is it's 16.1 mega pix and the price is 11495 with free LG cellphone,rechargeable battery,tripod,pouch,strap.

  44. yes, GE has a new bridge camera. and the only difference between the two would the higher megapixel. I have not tried GE x500, but basing on the specs (minus the higher megapixel), they're almost the same, so I'm suggesting you buy that camera instead...

  45. i bought my camera yesterday.. i am now practicing it to be the pro. haha. meron akong gustong gawin ung parang ung tao tas ung back ground is black and white or blurry ung back ground panu po kaya un, thanks :)

  46. saan co mkikita ung single focus sa menu?hehe

  47. I have problems with sd card: 4gb trascend: with this its imposible. But i tried with 1gb trascend and work perfect. It´s strange. Somebody test with 8gb or 16gd, works more slowly with more memory card, ist´n it?

    How I can protect the lens? There are some filters for this camera?

  48. I don`t think they have filter yet for this camera. So I suggest just buy a case at Case Logic. Also, with the memory card, I am using the 4G model and it works fine. I think it really depends on the memory card.

  49. hi jane! "Difference is it's 16.1 mega pix and the price is 11495 with free LG cellphone,rechargeable, battery,tripod,pouch,strap." saang store ito? thanks!

  50. I just bought this Yesterday for 9995. Your post convinced me to buy this model. :)

  51. Do you have some lens adapter tube for my camera: GENERAL ELECTRIC X5? I want to guard the lens and put a lens filter. Do you have a solution?

  52. @Maku - nope, I don't have. The only solution that I have is to buy a camera bag... ;)

  53. @Cha - enjoy using GE x5. follow me on twitter @freezymenthol so I can give you more tips.

  54. i am planning to buy one of this camera too... few days ago im still thinking if i should or not to buy this cam. since i really dont have any idea what a good cam is, aside from DSLR .. but upon reading this blog i am pretty sure that i am going to buy one. I hope i could be as good photographer as u are :)

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. my mother bought me a GE X500 as a birthday gift and I love it so much! :)

    I feel more secure in executing street shots than using a point and shoot camera. it's like a step closer to having an SLR camera. packs a lot of cool features like macro and wide shutter speed range for long exposures, but the thing I like the most is the 15x zoom. on the other hand, security guards notice me faster and would prohibit me from doing my passion which is bus photography. please visit my photostream www.flickr.com/photos/agustina76

    how can I take good pictures of moving subjects at night? I usually apt for x500's shutter priority, but then only "forced flash" is the only option for that...I am not so pleased with the result (I like the "slow synchro" better) so I often edit my pictures. an advice from you would be a big help. thanks :)

  57. I bought this camera at Asda for £77 and to be honest it feels the best bargin I have ever bought. I used to be 35mm hobbiest and left that to work with digital cameras in 1998. Also moved into video digital. In the last few days I have enjoyed the use of the camera and the ability to turn off all the automatic stuff and enjoy taking pictures the way I used to without all the waiting for them to be developed. They have six left on the shelves at my local ASDA in Irvine Scotland and they are flying off the shelves. Almost worth buying a second as a spare. Brilliant camera at a low low price.

  58. This is a semi pro camera, best for professional and non-pro photographers.

  59. Hi, I bought the X5 for my wife. She has leaarned to use it well and take fantastic pictures. However as of late the Flash hasn't worked. I found it in a setting a couple months ago but now the camera is defaulting to "FORCED FLASH OFF" I cant remember how i got it to start flashing again. Getting frustrated. I'm thinking you've probably used this feature and hopeing you can tell me how to reset the settings.

  60. Hi, I'd like to know what setting you are using to take still pictures or make it look like it's alive. How would you adjust the Aperture, shutter speed, ISO and the AF settings. I'm getting a hang of this now and it's amazing, just like an SLR.

  61. I* think the x5 is CRAP!!!! its impossible to NOT get blurry pictures....and if someone feels like teaching me how to get good pictures the feel free to do that!!

  62. panu po ba ang tips sa pagkuha nang close up tas hindi sya blurred?
